Introducing Essentials by Accelerant.
At Accelerant, we understand that not all clients require complex estate planning. We believe in utilizing technology to enhance accessibility to quality estate planning documents for all of our clients.
The cost of obtaining a basic package of estate planning documents, such as a Last Will and Testament, Revocable Trust, and powers of attorney, can vary significantly between law firms. Despite this, the substance of these documents is generally standardized and often based on a set of predefined forms.
In the past, much of the cost associated with preparing these core documents was attributed to outdated and manual processes used by law firms. These processes resulted in significant billable time spent drafting. Recognizing this inefficiency, Accelerant attorneys realized that by leveraging technology, we could offer a valuable service to our clients at more reasonable rates.
To achieve this, we have partnered with third-party technology platforms to automate the initial drafting of our standard set of core documents. By automating this process, we have successfully reduced the cost of these essential estate planning documents. This, in turn, allows Accelerant to offer a more predictable fee model for clients with typical dispositive schemes.
If you are interested in implementing your basic estate planning documents with greater cost efficiency, we encourage you to reach out to us and discuss our Essentials by Accelerant service. This service may be able to assist you in obtaining your essential estate planning documents at a more affordable price.

Understand how we are modernizing estate planning.
Law + Technology = the Best of Both Worlds